Friday, 30 August 2013

Marijuana Drug Testing

The effects of smoking marijuana fade quickly, but the drug, known affectionately as "weed," can be detected in the body for weeks and sometimes longer. How long it remains in the system depends on how often or how much marijuana the user has been smoking.
Marijuana is the one of the drugs that most people love the most. Unfortunately, this is also the one drug that stays in your system the longest since this is a 'fat-soluble' drug.  This means that upon use, it will get stored in the body's fat cells for an extended period of time, anywhere from just a few days to as much as a few weeks.
The part of marijuana that causes a high is called `Delta-9-TetraHydroCannabinol.' This is abbreviated as 'THC'.   Since THC is stored in the fat cells, the more a person is above ideal body weight, the longer it stays in that person's body.  In other words, Marijuana will stay longer in an obese person's body than a skinny person's body.
Marijuana test kit card is the easiest; fastest & the most economical way to detect the presence of marijuana in a person's urine. Instant marijuana drug testing will detect marijuana THC in urine within hours of using the drug and possibly up to 15 - 30 days after use (depending on the body weight of the individual and the amount used).
This test is the fastest and most inexpensive way to test for marijuana use & get results that you can trust in just 3 to 5 minutes.
For more information related to drug test click here

Friday, 23 August 2013

Detect Marijuana Drug by Using Affordable Test Strips

Different drugs and their combinations are found. Drugs are used for medicinal purposes but the drug-consumption is illicit. Still, there are many people of different age group involved in the bad habits of consuming drugs by intake or by smoking. One of the commonly used drugs is Marijuana. This illegal stuff is mainly taken in form of smoking. Although it has a beneficial side when it is used for medicinal purposes as an aid for different health-conditions that does not mean anyone or everyone can illegally consume it for addiction or for pleasure. The drug has euphoric and hazardous side-effects on human-body. Well, to detect presence or absence of drug marijuana inhuman body conducting drug test is important. Actually, drug-test is an only way to prevent and protect drug-users from future-consequences. There are many educations institutes, corporate sectors and even individuals in administrative department of any organization who prefer to conduct the test for students, employees and candidates to ensure they are not involved in the bad-habits of drug-addiction. For the purpose, they use one of the best and most affordable ways to detect drug in human body that is using Marijuana Test Strips.

Different types of test strips for marijuana are available to detect different types of drugs and their combinations. These tests strips are easy to use, gives accurate and reliable results quickly. The type of test strips are FDA approved and are available at online stores.

 For more details about our product and services, please click here